Beginner Swim Workout from Kiefer - April 2014

Beginner Swim Workout from Kiefer - April 2014

By Stacey Kiefer, Masters Swimmer

April 2014

Beginner Swim Workout Description:

If you are new to swim fitness, or haven’t hit the pool in a while - have no fear! Kiefer is here to get you started. Once your strength, comfort, and endurance improves, consider progressing to our Kiefer Weekly Workouts- featured in both short and long versions.

25 = 1 x 25 yard length
50 = 2 lengths (1 lap, down and back in a 25 yard pool)
75 = 3 lengths
100 = 4 lengths (2 laps)

Beginner Workout*

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Warm up:
300 choice, easy
100 IM drill (pick your favorite drill for each stroke)
4 x 25 - 1 each stroke, build each length

3 x 200 - holding the best pace you can keep for all 3 of the 200’s - pick 1 stroke and keep with it - this will be very hard, but you can do it - :1:00 rest after each

100 easy kick with kickboard (no fins)

3 x 100 - holding the best pace you can keep for all 3 of the 100’s - again, pick just 1 stroke - :1:00 rest after each

100 easy kick with kickboard (no fins)

8 x 25 mix up the strokes you do on these. Odds: build up your speed, Evens: sprint as hard as you can. All should have a very fast finish - :30 rest

1,800 yards TOTAL
This is a super challenging workout designed to make you aware of your ability to hold an even but speedy pace. You can’t start out too fast, or you’ll fall apart. However, you also can’t start out too slow or you will have too much left in the tank when you finish. Be very conscious of your finish times when you are completing this workout. Swim smart!

*Kiefer swim workouts are designed to inspire productive training with gratifying results. But, as you should with any workout program, please consult with your healthcare provider before you begin training.

© 2023 Adolph Kiefer & Associates, LLC